Friday, September 2, 2011

I should have known.

As much as I love to blather on about things in general, I've wondered more than once why I've never bothered with a blog. 

Well... now, I know.  For one thing, it's because I will get absolutely obsessive about every little detail of how the blog appears -- because needless to say, there was no way I could leave the default "blogspot" photo on my "picture window" template.  I was going to have to put up one of my favorite photos of Paris.  And I was going to have to agonize about which fonts -- and then which color of font -- I would use on the page.  (Seriously.  One would think I had nothing better to do.)

Then there's the whole business of not really having anything to say that anyone else would find to be particularly important (or even particularly interesting, for that matter).  I tend to make people's eyes glaze over in daily conversation, and I can hardly imagine that my electronic communication would be much more gripping.

All that said, it is an assignment to blog, and therefore, I'll blog.  Maybe I'll even come up with something interesting to say.

I would not, however, place any bets on that.